Are you constantly looking for people, places, and things on the outside to make you happy on the inside?
My name is Roberta Dignan Robinson and I spent the first 55+ years of my life chasing happiness and thought it was something only a select few could have. That was a misbelief. I have found the way to build my inner home of happiness. Won’t you let me help you build yours?
“When you are Happy for No Reason, you bring happiness to your outer experiences rather than trying to extract happiness from them.” – Marci Shimoff
I am Certified in Marci Shimoff’s program “Happy For No Reason” and offer presentations, workshops, and one-on-one coaching with individuals, to help you take ownership of your own happiness.
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One key to happiness and peace is healing past wounds. I have developed a 4-step process to help you get out of an abusive relationship and/or abusive thinking.
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Your own physical health and the health of loved ones close to you play a critical role in your overall happiness. I provide education, resources and care services to help you take control of your own health and help others. Learn more »